Make innovation part of your organisation’s DNA
In a world of accelerating change and volatility, the ability to systematically and continuously innovate is the lifeblood of the world’s most successful organisations.
Learn MoreMeet Rowan Gillespie
Rowan Gillespie, Founder and CEO of Clarizent, Inc., is an expert who helps organisations develop deep and impactful innovation capabilities, digitally transform their operations, and create future growth engines.
A former Fortune 100 company transformation executive and Big 4 consultant, Rowan has been based in Tokyo, working with and advising Japanese and foreign multinational companies since 2003.
Learn MoreWays we can partner with you
Executive Advisory
Have an innovation expert on-call to support and guide your innovation efforts behind the scenes.
Create a clear and compelling strategy for where and how to innovate
Leadership & Culture
Build a leadership team and culture that encourages and nurtures innovation, whilst maintaining operational excellence in business-as-usuale
Innovation Management & Portfolio
Reduce innovation risk, wasted time and money, by systematically testing and validating new products, services, and business models before you build them
Innovation Practice
Equip your internal entrepreneurs and teams with the skills and tools to rapidly and consistently identify, test, and implement new opportunities.
Innovation Audit
Benchmark your existing innovation capabilities and create a roadmap to address key impediments and opportunities. Rapidly jump-start your innovation efforts.
Innovation Sprint
Rapidly gain direct experience in innovation techniques by running an Innovation Sprint to address an existing challenge or opportunity.
Develop and strengthen the individual capabilities and skills needed to lead innovative and hyper-effective organisations and teams. Highly personalised one-on-one and small-group coaching.
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Innovation Capability Assessment
Want to build up your organisation’s innovation capabilities, but are unsure where to start? Already proficient in innovation but looking to take your company to the next level? Take our free online assessment and receive instant feedback and recommendations across the four dimensions of innovation.
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3 min read
Understanding Digital Transformation — Part 1: What is DX anyway?
Part one of a three-part series aimed at clarifying some of the mystique and misconceptions about digital transformation.
Work with Rowan
Let’s talk about how we can partner together to dramatically enhance your individual, team, and organisational innovation capabilities.